+ Scent-Factor Scent Inhibitor Technology
+ Windproof and Water Resistant
+ High Standing Collar and Zipper Guard
+ Zipper Chest and Hand Pockets and Adjustable Toggle Waist
Size M
At Habit Outdoors, They engineer outdoor gear that works when you need it—designed by folks who’ve spent countless chilly mornings in duck blinds and treestands. They’re all about functionality in the field—about helping you stay comfortable in uncomfortable situations. They think you deserve quality that won’t break the bank, so they offer outstanding values on gear that out-performs apparel at twice the price.
Find Habit Outdoors at habitoutdoors.com and their pages below
How To Place Bid: At the bottom of the that items page, you will find your standard comment section like you see on any other website. Just log in using your Facebook or Twitter and comment with your bid. Just make sure you’re higher than the previous bidder. When the auctions are over, I will email you an invoice from Paypal where you will be able to pay by credit card or by your Paypal account. If you would rather write a check, you can make it out to St Jude and send it to me. Once your payment is secured, your item will be mailed to you.